Private Coaching for B2B Entrepreneurs

Tristans Private Coaching is for B2B Service-Based Business Owners, with a team, who are investing in themselves to achieve true fulfilment by creating the lives and businesses they’ve always dreamed of.

Private Coaching
Private Coaching

Why You Need a Personal Business Coach

“After I left a Tony Robbins seminar last year, the number one action point was to find a business coach. We wanted to pivot from being ones implementing the work, to company owners, making more money than ever before and regaining balance and time back into our personal lives.

When we started working together with Tristan, he helped us to implement these changes in the company:

  • Hired key staff in the agency, restructure the teams and direct reports
  • Accountability. We meet every Wednesday, during our sessions we set the action list for the next week. We set long term and short term goals together. Everyone is clear of the work that needs to be undertaken. The clarity guarantees tangible outcomes.
  • He is a sounding board for problems and challenges providing a fresh perspective that you need from someone external. Sometimes I call him my psychologist.

When we started working together with Tristan, he helped us to implement these changes in the company:Thanks to his help, we’re on track to double our turnover this year while working only 20 hours per week to spend more time with our families.

If you are serious about growing your agency, or creating a more efficient business, then you absolutely need to make this investment. Coaching is NOT an expense. It is an investment and you will gain a 10 x ROI. Think BIG.”

- Sonia, Co-founder of 3 Phase Marketing

Private Coaching Conferrence
Ill Take You By The Hand

I’ll Take You By The Hand…

And Help You To Leverage On The Right Team & Systems To Claim Back Your “Lost Hours”

Finally, you can be there when your family needs you

Understanding the Role of a Personal Business Coach

We Help You To Leverage On The Right Team & Systems To Claim Back Your “Lost Hours”


We are Trusted By

With our Private Coaching Process

It feels like you hit a ceiling at the 50K-100K/m mark and no matter how hard you work, you’re still STUCK.”

Tristan Here To Help
Next Level
Next Level

Measuring Success and Adjusting for Growth

At the 50K-100K/month mark, you’re slowly transitioning into the full-time role of an entrepreneur and it starts to get chaotic.

Learning new things such as managing your company finances, building a sales team to close for you, and leading your team to unchartered waters.

Sure, you might be making a good income but it comes at a heavy cost: working late into the evening and sacrificing quality time with family...


“Mum/Dad, when can we go camping again or watch my favourite Disney movie together?”

- your kids

Unique Business
Unique Business

Because your business sucks up so much of your time, you barely have any gas left in the tank.

While you see your other entrepreneur friends going camping with their kids, you’re working till late into the night.

You’re so busy you can’t even spend an hour on the sofa to watch your kids’ favourite Disney movie together on Netflix.

Or when you’re with them, you’re so tired that they catch you SNORING…

It makes you wonder:

“What’s the point of making all this money when I can’t even spend an hour with my kids and be there when they need me…?”

It starts by putting the right person in each role of the company and having processes from sales all the way to fulfilment.

Back when I was running my cycling wear business, I knew that if I wanted to remove myself as the bottleneck, I had to focus on what was bringing in more clients…

Not getting distracted by building more funnels, fancy websites, or attending another course.

Instead of doing everything by myself, I started to build a team and trusted they would handle most of the tasks without me.

I created S.O.P.s my team could use while I wasn’t around.

Instead of relying on me all the time, they now had reliable systems to depend on.

And slowly but surely, I got more and more of my time back.

Delivery wouldn’t stop if I took days off from the business.

That’s how I built my previous business back up and made a successful exit in 18 months.

And it’s the same for you if you want to get to the next level while claiming back the lost hours you spent away from your family.

You need to get guidance from someone who’s been in the trenches and has a proven framework to reach your goal faster.

Why You’re Still Working Late In The Evenings Even If You’ve Invested In Mentorship or Coaching Before…

After speaking to other 6-7 figure entrepreneurs like you, I realise that most of them have invested in coaching/mentorship before.

Some cost upwards to $50,000 per annum or more.

However, it didn’t matter because they were still stuck in the same place as before… Reaching an income ceiling and still stuck in the weeds.


Most business coaches out there didn’t have enough experience in the trenches to understand all aspects of the business such as branding, team building, systems, forecasting cash flow etc.

Even if they did, most of them would give you generic advice like “Set goals” or “Think outside the box!”

If you want to get results,, you need to learn from an actual practitioner who has the track record to back it up.

Mentorship Coaching
Tristan Help Next Level Faster Coaching
Tristan Help Next Level Faster Coaching

The Advantages of Private Coaching for Business Leaders

During our 1-1 coaching sessions, we’ll focus on building you up through the nine key areas of business, or The Business Ecosystem Framework.

It helps you to focus on taking the right action steps as we go through the different phases of your business.

Clearly identifying what your End Goal or Ultimate Objective is, and the principles that will guide you on your journey

Understanding what your business needs to make it scalable and sustainable

Identifying the best course of action to help you achieve your End Goal

Putting your plans and strategies into action

Assessing your strategies and optimising for continual improvement. Most importantly, this’ll be customised to your unique situation and needs as every private coaching client has a different objective in mind…

The Business Ecosystem Framework

FULFILMENT Success is not something that just happens. It's something you create
E2g Chart Rev

Enhanced Clarity and Simplified Business Processes

With so many balls in the air, it's hard to stay focused on doing the “right thing.” We'll make sure you're actually working ON the business, not in the business and being stuck with the day to day operations.

Frameworks To Simplify Your Business

Next, we’ll focus on helping you delegate most of the tasks to the right staff and putting processes in place. This will reduce reliance on you as the business owner and frees up more of your time so you can be with your family during the weekends.

A Healthier, Stress-Free Entrepreneurial Mindset

As the most important person in your business, your health is of utmost priority. We’ll show you how you can still make time each week to keep fit and stay healthy.

Tristan E2g Cta

Learn how you can run your business without being the bottleneck

“I’ve been in business for 12 years or so and feel I’ve been relatively successful. I’ve got no mortgage, owned a commercial property but I’ve felt that I’d hit a glass ceiling and working harder wasn’t going to get me through it either because I had no more to give.

Working more than 70 hours a week in my business was taking up so much of my life that it very nearly cost me my marriage, my family and not to mention the toll that was happening on my health.

Every day, I was busy running from one problem to the next and I was the only one on deck to deal with it.

Now within the first week of working with Tristan we had put together a solid achievable management plan that was easy for me to understand and implement.

Three weeks in and I was feeling like I was gaining control of my business and I finally had my hands on the wheel, controlling its direction.”

Dave, Founder of Kung-fu Southside

Dave Founder Kungfu
Speaking Tristan In Convention Evolve
Speaking Tristan In Convention

How a Life and Business Coach Can Make a Difference in your Business

The 1-1 Business Coaching is a month to month mentorship, with a minimum 12 month commitment - customised to your needs where you'll have 1-1 meetings with Tristan every 2 weeks to work on your business goals.

In the early days, we’ll focus on making sure your mindset is in the right place to get to the next stage of your business. We’ll also tap on our comprehensive business diagnostic tool to fully understand your business needs to create a report. This gives us the key milestones as we grow your business.

After that, we’ll look at other aspects of the business such as finances, risk management, clarifying the company vision, mission, values etc. This is essential as there might have been adjustments along the way so it’s good for everyone in the team to be clear of the company direction.

Next, we’ll start to optimise systems and put the right people in place. This is how we’ll ensure the business takes a life on its own and can eventually run smoothly without you. We’ll also track key metrics and analyse them regularly to ensure we stay on track towards our goals.

By then, after 6 months have passed, you should be able to cut your working hours down to only 20-30 hours per week. Even if you take Wednesday afternoons off to play golf, your business won’t be affected as the team is taking care of things for you.

Eventually, you'll no longer be the key person in your business. New deals will be coming in and taking multiple month-long holidays each year will soon be a reality! This is when you truly become a business owner who can decide to work wherever, whenever you want.

Tristan Help Next Level
Tristan On Demand Speaker

While we want to make the 1-1 Private Coaching accessible, this is NOT for everyone…

Ke Team 2019

To ensure we keep the quality of delivery at a high level, we do qualify all our private coaching
clients to make sure they’re a good fit for our program:

  • Checklist

    You must be making at least $500K/year in your business and have senior staff members already in place.

    This is strictly NOT suited for startups or beginners.

  • Checklist

    You understand that great results take time to create.

    This isn’t about becoming an overnight success. It’s about building the right processes in place so you can eventually work on your own schedule.

  • Checklist

    You’re not in business SOLELY to make money.

    Making profit is important but it cannot be the only purpose in life. Your family plays an important role too to have fulfilment and a happy life.

  • Checklist

    You understand you need to invest a significant amount of money in your business to get to the next level

    This 1-1 private coaching isn’t for FREEBIE seekers or people looking for cheap solutions. It’s a multiple 4 figure monthly investment so our clients understand they need to invest in themselves to take their businesses to the next level.

  • Checklist

    No eCommerce businesses

    For now, we focus on serving b2b service-based business owners.

From 900K/year to 1M This Month: Our Clients’ Achievements

Before one of my coaching clients, Dave, came to me, he was running a 900K/year business.

However, he had difficulty scaling his business as he didn’t know how to manage his company finances and build a sales team.

This made him unable to sleep peacefully at night and he would still be answering his team on Slack at 10pm…

That’s when he came to me for help and enrolled in my coaching program.
With a few small tweaks to his processes, his company made in one month what he made in one year previously!

While I can’t guarantee you’ll get the same results as this client, imagine what our 1-1 business coaching will do for you.

Within a few short months, you’ll be running a more profitable business with less overwhelm.
Most importantly, we’ll help you get your time back so you can spend time with your loved ones.

If you feel like taking your kids to the movies on a Wednesday afternoon, we can make that happen without your business burning to the ground.

And the best part?

The monthly investment for this 1-1 business coaching is nowhere close to even $10,000/month.

It’s only a fraction of what my client makes now.

Client Story
Private Mentorship
Ill Take You By The Hand

Take the Next Step in Your Business Journey

Okay, We Are At The Final Chapter Make an Informed Decision Now.

There are really only two options here...

If you’re ready to join , scroll below to book your
complimentary “Private Coaching” gameplan session now!

During the session, here’s what we’ll do:

  1. You pretend that you didn’t read this short letter and continue being owned by your business
  2. You enrol into private 1-1 coaching with me, your business sherpa, to guide you to the mountain top without overwhelm
  3. Learn more about where you’re at right now in your business and where you want to go in the next 12 months
  4. Figure out if this is a priority for you to solve right now or if this is a “later thing”
  5. See if it’s a good fit for us to work together in my private 1-1 coaching

Meet The Chief

Meeting the Chief Business Sherpa

Tristan is the CEO and founder of Evolve to Grow.

Previously, he ran a business in the cycling space and made many bad decisions that eventually landed himself in 200K of business debt… However, he didn’t give up and eventually was able to build that business back up to 7 figures before making a successful exit.

Now, he focuses on helping 6-7 figure business owners across the world.

To help them have their next breakthrough and scale past 50K-100K months without working themselves to the bone.

With Tristan’s help, you’ll soon learn the same systems he used to build a 7 figure business while still taking the weekends off to be with his family.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

This is mainly for b2b service-based businesses making at least $50K/month and want to remove the owner as the bottleneck.

This will allow you, the business owner, to:

  • Finally have that breakthrough as you scale past 50K-100K months in your business
  • Optimise your leadership team structure and have systems in place to run the business without you
  • Take your family on vacations every year or just be physically there for them when they need you

This is a four figure monthly investment with a 12 month minimum commitment period.

To see if the program is a good fit for you, click here to book your Private Coaching Gameplan Session with us.

This private 1-1 coaching program lasts for 12 months.

However, most of our clients usually see results in the first few months of the program, so they might choose to stay longer to continue having access to Tristan.

There’s no fixed structure for private coaching as it’s customised based on the needs of each client.

Tristan will work personally with you to craft a bespoke action plan based on where you’re now and where you want to go.

How many business coaches actually built a 7 figure business from scratch before transitioning to business coaching?

Probably not many...

Now, let me ask you another question. How many of those coaches have a track record of helping their clients go from making 80K/month to 800K/month?

Probably close to ZERO.

Well, Tristan has done both and this is why his average coaching clients stay on for at least 29 months in his programs.

If you want to take on way more risk by investing in a coach with no track record, then this is not a good fit for you.

But if you want to work with someone who’s been in the trenches and has a proven track record, then Tristan would love to work with you in his private 1-1 coaching.

In the first 90 days, we'll establish your foundations, dial in the right mindset to take you to where you want to go, and establish your company vision, mission, and values.

By the six month mark, you should not be working late into the evenings anymore.

Eventually, you’ll transition to a real business owner who can work on his/her own schedule!

Book your Private Coaching Gameplan Session Here

While we don’t offer any money back guarantees specifically, what I can guarantee you is that it will be much more painful to go on this journey alone.

It’s possible to reach the next level in your business by yourself but it probably will take you more months or even YEARs to get there...

The choice is up to you.

If you like to get there faster, then working with Tristan in his 1-1 private coaching is the way to go.

If you had a faster way to break through 50K-100K months in your business, would you choose to do it NOW or later?

If the answer is later, then this might not be a good fit for you.

But if you’re serious about getting to the next level right now, then we love to invite you to book your gameplan session now!