Your B2B sales sucks if you forget this…

Your B2B sales sucks if you forget this…

Are you looking for the best B2B sales questions to ask your prospects?

Asking the right questions is essential to uncovering your prospects’ needs and understanding the problems that you can solve. But it’s important to remember that there is an art to asking sales qualification questions. A good open-ended question will ensure that your prospect answers with enough detail for you to craft a follow-up that will get you closer to understanding their needs. When creating a line of questioning, it’s important to start with general open-ended questions, gauge your prospects’ interest as they answer, ask early on how the company evaluates new products and services, always ask about the budget, and close by establishing follow-up steps.

Open-Ended Questions for Sales
May I ask you some questions about your business?
What are your goals for the next [3, 6, or 12] months?
What does your boss hope to accomplish in the next year?
Why is this a priority for you now?
When is a good date to follow up?

By following these tips, you can create a successful line of questioning that will help you qualify your prospects and close more deals.