Every billionaire does THIS for 3-5 years…

Have you ever heard of Grant Cardone’s unbreakable rule for success especially in these uncertain times? It might not be a well-known secret, but for Grant, it’s a key factor in his ability to achieve success in business. The rule is simple: When starting something new, be prepared to commit for 3-5 years. This might seem like a long time, but it’s actually the minimum amount of time needed to properly evaluate whether a venture is working or not.

Grant himself followed this rule when he was starting out as a car salesman and investing in real estate on the side. Despite facing ups and downs, he stayed consistent and committed to his plan for five years, and it paid off – he became a millionaire within that time frame. Follow for more actionable fulfilment-oriented business content that no one else is making. #evolvetogrow #busnessevolutioncircle