
Optimising Business Performance Through Process Development

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Did you know the average employee spends 9 hours per week performing research and around 30 hours monthly in meetings?

Business performance links directly to how employees manage their time and the number of redundant or time-consuming tasks required. 

Focusing on business processes is the key to optimizing business performance. Keep reading as we explore process development optimization to improve your business performance.

What Is Process Development?

Process development involves revising and developing the pathway toward completing a goal, project, or task within your business. Here are some steps involved in process development:

  • Discover: To perform business operations most efficiently, you must gain knowledge of any software, tools, or automation techniques that will reduce unnecessary manual tasks.
  • Analyze: By consistently analyzing your business process, you can identify any problem areas and visualize how time is spent.
  • Measure: Once you implement solutions to save time and create more efficiency, you should view KPIs to ensure these solutions are performing as expected with statistical evidence.
  • Improve: Innovation is the key to outperforming your competition in the industry. To innovate effectively, you need to have eyes on your business processes, seeking out areas with potential for improvement.
  • Secure: Your business processes wouldn’t be complete without head-to-toe security. This includes both cyber protection and physical security measures like video security cameras.

To implement a process development strategy, you must focus on four key areas: your systems, your employees’ performance, business coordination, and how you gather the information needed for task completion. Here’s why:

  • Your systems: Running a company on outdated systems will soon put you behind your competitors in speed, efficiency, and business output. By keeping your systems updated and investing in new technologies, you can ensure slow or unintuitive systems do not hinder you.
  • Business coordination: Are you communicating effectively? Or are you wasting your employees’ valuable time with unnecessary meetings? You can replace meetings with more efficient communication mediums. For instance, implementing tools such as Screencastify can help you communicate and provide employees with visuals and oral instructions without needing a meeting. They can view this material at the most convenient time.
  • Information: Providing your employees with all relevant information without requiring back-and-forth emails does wonders for productivity. Also, ensuring your employees have guidance on research tools will help them perform independent research quickly. 
  • Employee performance: Monitoring employee productivity and finding new ways to eliminate distractions is pivotal to business process development. Increasing motivation and incentivizing employees also have performance benefits.

By focusing on these critical aspects of productivity, you can develop an action plan for process development optimization and management. 

Process development should be done at the early stages of a project, but this doesn’t mean you’re through with it! Managing your processes throughout a project ensures your technologies are still relevant and your employees haven’t fallen off track regarding coordination and performance.

What Are The Benefits Of Process Development?

Why focus on process development? Here’s what you stand to gain by focusing on this key aspect of business performance optimization:

  • Fewer manual tasks: Automation, automation, automation. Sometimes, it isn’t clear where automation will help your business until you take the time for process development.
  • Efficient communications: When taking hour-long meetings, your employees lose valuable working time. Finding ways to communicate more effectively and concisely will improve productivity massively.
  • Faster project completion and improved output: If you take the time to make each task in your chain more efficient, you will execute projects more quickly overall.
  • Increasing competitiveness: If you’re ahead of the curve with your processes, systems, and automation, you’ll be ahead of your competitors, too!

How To Perform Process Development And Optimize Business Performance

When it comes to process development, you have two options. You can train or hire a process development expert and employ them on your payroll. Or, you can outsource process development to a third party. 

Hiring a process development expert has many benefits, as they can quickly become intimate with your systems and processes. However, hiring more staff can feel like an overwhelming expense for small businesses. 

An outsourced process development company can review and optimize your processes without taking time away from your team. They can visit your on-site location to perform analysis and make recommendations. They will even assist with implementation. 

Whether you’re a small or large organization, outsourced process development can scale to your needs and help you develop a plan within your budget.

Whichever route you choose, you will be blown away by the benefits of your business performance.


Your business relies on a network of processes to see each project through to completion. By breaking these processes into manageable chunks, you can complete your projects quicker and use your employees’ time more beneficially. Consider investing in outsourced business process development to reap the rewards of total efficiency!